Postpartum Back Pain: How To Get Relief

Chronic back pain can be caused by a number of things, such as painful discs, sacroiliac joint pain, or facet joint arthrosis. Other common causes of chronic back pain are the physical changes that occur during pregnancy. These changes coupled with the birthing process can put a lot of strain on your back. Women who experience back pain during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from chronic back pain after pregnancy. In addition, the risk of chronic back pain is higher for women who are overweight. Fortunately, most cases of postpartum back pain usually subside within a few months after giving birth.
Back Pain After Giving Birth
Physical changes that occur during pregnancy include an expanding uterus, extra weight, and hormonal changes. An expanding uterus alters your posture and weakens abdominal muscles, thereby putting extra pressure and strain on your back. Gaining weight during and after pregnancy is normal, but the extra weight taxes your muscles and joints. Joints and ligaments are usually affected by hormonal changes as well. Women who have long and difficult labor may be affected even more because of the toll it takes on their bodies. Caring for a baby around the clock can cause strain to your back and surrounding muscles. Mothers tend to do a lot of hunching over while breastfeeding. They also do a lot of bending over to pick up children and other objects. This can strain the upper back and neck muscles.
Home Remedies For Back Pain
Postpartum exercises are often recommended by doctors to help mothers get back in shape and improve their posture and balance. Low impact exercises like walking, yoga, or stretching exercises are safe as long as you don’t overdo it. You can gradually work your way up to exercises to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. Practice good posture by sitting and standing straight up, and pay attention to your body position when breastfeeding. Don’t lift any heavy objects, and always crouch and bend your knees when picking up your baby. Take good care of yourself by learning relaxation techniques to ease tension and stress. A warm bath or massage can do wonders for your sore muscles and aching back. Medication, physical therapy, or alternative treatments may also provide pain relief.
When To Call Your Doctor
Some symptoms of postpartum back pain require immediate medical attention. If you’re experiencing unbearable, worsening back pain that remains constant, you should report it to your doctor right away. A traumatic injury that causes back pain should be examined without delay. A fever is usually a sign that something is wrong, and it’s no different when accompanied by back pain. If you lose feeling in your groin, genital area, or buttocks, call your provider immediately. This loss of sensation may affect your ability to urinate or have a bowel movement. It can also cause incontinence. Losing feeling in one or both legs need attention as soon as possible. Feeling weak or uncoordinated is another warning sign.
Self-care measures are not always effective, so further treatment may be recommended by your healthcare provider. Treatments such as epidural steroid injections, diagnostic injections, therapeutic joint injections, or radio-frequency ablation can be used to manage and provide relief for postpartum back pain. Integrated Neurology Services offers a wide array of services like interventional pain management to treat and manage postpartum back pain. We provide state-of-the-art diagnosis and comprehensive services to meet your needs. Visit our website https://www.integratedneurologyservices.com for further information or to request an appointment at one of their locations in the Northern Virginia or Washington, D.C. area.
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